
Success starts in the laboratory!

We understand the important role that exceptional clinical laboratory professionals play in the success of San Antonio Regional Hospital. Your ability to search for the clues that identify the causes of illness and disease lead to accurate diagnoses – 70 percent of all medical decisions are based on laboratory test results.

To support you in delivering the precise laboratory results that physicians need to make evidence-based therapeutic decisions, San Antonio provides high-tech automation and state-of-the-art Clinical and Pathology Laboratories technology such as:

  • Bar-coded collection devices for positive patient identification
  • A fully-automated robotic line connecting four chemistry analyzers
  • SMART system for tracking samples by unique specimen ID number
  • Large-screen monitors for ongoing review of the testing process

Quality will surround you every step of the way

Our labs, which process more than 1.5 million chemistry tests a year, are fully accredited by the College of American Pathologists (CAP), the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), the State of California, and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA).

The medical director is certified in both anatomical and clinical pathology, while staff pathologists are all board certified. Technical professionals are licensed Clinical Laboratory Scientists and phlebotomists. It’s the quality that you would expect from an environment dedicated to excellence.