Leaving a Legacy of Health
In April, 1991, San Antonio Hospital Foundation received $5,000 from the estate of Dorothy Mae Thompson of Oakland, California. There was one problem, though. No one at the Foundation knew Mrs. Thompson. Who could she be? Since no one knew about the legacy, there was no opportunity to thank her for her gift. As it turned out, Mrs. Thompson had once lived in the area, used the hospital, and was pleased with the care she received. But it would have been nice to be able to thank her in person.
One family’s vision may be a community’s future…
The Living Legacy Society was born from that experience. Now we try to build closer relationships with special people like Mrs. Thompson—people who are grateful for San Antonio Regional Hospital—who want to make sure the hospital is here to take care of their family and friends and others in our community for years to come.
Your Planned Giving and Estate Planning options with San Antonio Hospital Foundation are nearly unlimited. You can utilize various charitable estate planning options to benefit both you and your hospital. Examples of planned giving include gifts by will or living trust, (click here to learn more about trusts) appreciated securities and property, insurance policies, jewelry, and other items with appreciated value.
Suggested language for your estate plan:
I give and bequeath to San Antonio Hospital Foundation the sum of $__________ (or a percentage of the estate) to be used for ________________(or in the area of greatest need).
What Your Legacy does:
- An unrestricted legacy enables the Board of Directors of the Foundation to use your gift in the area of greatest need at the time it is received.
- A restricted legacy enables you to match the use of your gift with your specific area of medical interest. We are pleased to share the various types of programs with you.
- The San Antonio Endowment is the financial cornerstone of the Living Legacy Society. Gifts directed to the Endowment will be invested by the Foundation in perpetuity, with the income and investment gains being used to meet the future needs of the patients we are committed to serve.
- If you have decided to leave a legacy of health to San Antonio Regional Hospital, please contact the Foundation weekdays, from 8 am to 4 pm, at 909.920.4962 or email Michelle Stoddard at Foundation@SARH.org to learn more about Planned Giving.
The Following Options Make Giving An Easy Process:
San Antonio Hospital Foundation is recognized as a charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. This allows your gifts to the San Antonio Hospital Foundation to be tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Click here to make a donation online
- Mail your check or money order to:
San Antonio Hospital Foundation
999 San Bernardino Road
Upland, California 91786
Call the Foundation at 909.920.4962 with any questions
Click here to download our donation form
- Please consider making a monthly credit card donation.