Visitation Policy

Here for Life

San Antonio Regional Hospital and the rest of California hospitals have dropped COVID-19 mask and vaccination mandates for health care settings, according to updated guidance from the state’s health department.

Beginning April 3, health care workers, patients and visitors will no longer be required to wear a mask or be vaccinated to work in facilities that include hospitals, urgent care centers and dental and doctors’ offices. The new rules also apply to correctional facilities as well as homeless, emergency and warming and cooling centers, said the California Department of Public Health.

“Our communities did a lot of the hard work by getting vaccinated and boosted, staying home and testing when sick, requesting treatments when positive, and masking to slow the spread,” said Dr. Tomás Aragón, the state’s health officer, in a statement. “With these critical actions and a lot of patience and persistence, we have now reached a point where we can update some of the COVID-19 guidance to continue to balance prevention and adapting to living with COVID-19.”

San Antonio Regional Hospital will continue to provide masks for those who may feel comfortable wearing them if they so desire.

Visitors have the following requirements:

General Guidelines for Visitors
  • General: All families and other partners in care must stop at the main entrance or ED entrance to obtain a visitor wristband. After 8:00 p.m. visitors must enter through the Emergency Department. Families and other partners, 12 years and above, will be issued a wrist band. The wrist band is to be worn for the duration of that visit. Families and other partners in care are welcome 24 hours a day according to patient preference.
  • Children: Children supervised by an adult are welcomed, and are not restricted by age. Other guidelines may apply.
  • Emergency Department: Two visitors are welcome at the discretion of the healthcare team. Exceptions can be made in unusual situations.
  • Maternity: Fathers or significant others may visit patients in the LDRPs or maternity rooms at any time if patient is in a private room. Other guidelines may apply.
The following precautions are still recommended:
  • Wear a mask if you feel the need for your health circumstances.
  • Wear a mask if you have been exposed to or tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 5 days.
  • Wear a mask around others if you have a fever or respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, runny nose, and/or sore throat).

If you have questions, please ask a member of our care team to contact the manager on your nursing unit or in the outpatient department for the services you are receiving.

Specific Guidelines by Department


  • Patients with more serious illnesses will be directed to check-in at the reception desk in the emergency department.
  • If a bed is available, the patient will be taken directly into the treatment area.
  • Patients are reminded to check-in with the triage nurse if there is a change or worsening of their symptoms.
  • Patients will be seen in the order of illness severity. Be assured, the emergency department team will do everything possible to place patients into a private room in the treatment area as quickly as possible.
  • Patients are allowed , only one (1) visitor over the age of 14 in the emergency department.


  • Radiology: One visitor might be allowed if not pregnant or for specific patient needs.
  • ACU: Up to two visitors per patient. Children under 14 may be permitted.
  • Cathlab: Two visitors in the recovery room.
  • Cardiology: One visitor, subject to patient or doctor discretion.


  • Download the Maternal Child Services Visitor Guidelines here.
  • Fathers/significant others can visit any time in private rooms.
  • Labor and Delivery:
    • Once you are in admitted in labor, your designated support person may accompany you.
    • Additional visitors may be present during your labor (without age restriction) if your condition permits.
    • Maximum of two visitors are allowed in your room at a time .
    • At the time of delivery through the recovery period, your designated support person and one additional visitor may be present as your condition permits.
    • Visitors can meet the newborn if conditions permit.
  • OR and PACU:
    • If you require a cesarean section, one designated support can visit recovering C-section patients, conditions permitting.
    • Newborn Nursery: Fathers/significant others can visit; certain procedures may allow parental presence.
  • NICU:
    • Fathers, significant others, and grandparents can visit (grandparents with a parent).
    • Visitation is 24/7 but may be restricted during emergencies.
    • Scheduled sibling visits for those aged 3 and above.


  • Patients are allowed two (2) visitors over the age of 14 to accompany patients receiving services.
  • Minor patients may be accompanied by one (1) parent or guardian.