Quality & Safety
Delivering the highest-quality, most advanced, and safest healthcare to our patients is our top priority. We strive to create…

Quality Measures
At San Antonio Regional Hospital, excellence in quality, safety, and service are our top priorities. We are committed to achieving the best…

Patient Safety Measures
To continually improve procedures to assure patient safety at our hospital, we measure ourselves against standards set nationally through The Joint Commission.

Ethics, Rights, and Patient Healthcare Decisions
Part of delivering the best in patient care is respecting the privacy, dignity, safety, and care-related decisions of the patient.

Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infection
A central line is often necessary to receive fluids and medication. Sometimes patients can develop infections associated with these catheters, especially…

Colon Surgical Site Infection
An infection that occurs after a patient has colorectal surgery that occurs at the body site where the surgery took place. While some infections only involve…

Flu Vaccination
Influenza (Flu) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. It can cause mild to severe illness. About 5%-20% of people in the U.S…

Willingness to Recommend the Hosital
As part of the HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) survey about their experience at San Antonio Regional Hospital…